Digital Radiographic Positioning Guide

The iRadTech app is a radiographic positioning guide for Apple and Android smartphones and tablets for $24.99 in the app stores.
Watch a video of iRadTech in action
It is also available as a web app, delivered to a browser, so that it is platform independent. See below for further information.
- Similar to x-ray pocket guide or reference booklet
- Detailed instructions for more than 200 radiographic positions:
- suggested digital imaging systems technical factor settings for all positions (except nephrotomography) more about techniques
- image receptor size and orientation
- patient and part positioning
- respiration instructions
- central ray entrance/exit points and angulation
- image quality points
- structures demonstrated
- Enlargeable photograph of properly positioned human model showing the correctly collimated area of interest with the central ray entry point.
- Representative radiographic image which can be enlarged for closer inspection.
- A helpful NOTE tab for every position; save techniques, special terms, or other helpful information.
- Search function finds requested term in position titles and/or instructions.
- My Routines function (app only) allows grouping of selected positions into a saved routine.
- My Notes function (app only) allows saving notes not related to a position.
- Developed using the ARRT Content Specifications to include nearly all ARRT entry-level radiographic positions.
- “OPTIONAL” positions are included which may be ordered in clinical practice. These OPTIONAL positions are judged by the authors and other educational colleagues as handy references, but are not listed on the ARRT Radiography Content.
- Instructions referenced to the most recent ASRT Radiography Curriculum and national positioning texts.
- Content is written, edited and expanded by two Ph.D. radiography educators, each with extensive authoring experience and more than 30 years of teaching experience.
- A convenient guide to positioning the patient and a valuable study aid for radiography students.
- A great reference and review tool for technologists and clinical instructors.

Click here to see the position category menus in the iRadTech Web, iPhone, Android and HD iPad apps →
Respiratory System, Thorax and Soft Tissue Neck
Soft Tissue Neck
Abdomen, GI and Urinary
GI – Barium Swallow
GI – Esophagus
Upper GI
Small Bowel
Lower GI (Contrast Enema)
Intravenous Urography – (IVU or IVP)
Cystography and Cystourethography
Upper Extremity and Shoulder Girdle
AC Joints
Lower Extremity, Hip and Pelvis
Intercondylar Fossa
Spine and Sacroiliac Joints
Cervical Spine
Soft Tissue Neck
Thoracic Spine
Lumbar Spine
Sacrum and Coccyx
Sacroiliac Joints (SI Joints)
Skull, Sinus, Facial Bones, Etc.
Cranium – Skull
Paranasal Sinuses
Facial Bones
Nasal Bones
Zygomatic Arches
Temporomandibular Joints (TMJ)
Orbits and Optic Canal
Mastoids (Petrous Portion of Temporal Bone)
Buy the app once; own it forever **
Automatic updates are FREE!
Ballinger & Bruckner LLP dba RadTech Resource Group
Watch a video of iRadTech in action.
Not sure? Try our FREE sample app!
It contains only 6 positions, but otherwise it has the same features as the full app.
Tap / click this button to see a simplified listing of our products, or scan below for more information.
Want to see trauma x-ray images for free?
Sign Up Now For iRadTech Mobile Web for only $9.99 per year
iRadTech Mobile Web delivers the content to a browser on any device on a subscription basis. Alternatively, you can purchase the iRadTech app for Apple iOS or Android for a one-time fee of $24.99 (see below).
To see what it looks like to have the position instructions delivered by this website, click / tap iRadTech Mobile Web Demo
iRadTech is available in multiple formats:
- Radiographic positioning guide
- Describes more than 200 positions with accompanying patient positioning images and radiographs
- Available as an app for iPhone, iPad, Android phone and Android tablet
- Own for $24.99 – all future updates are free!
(tap image to see more screens)

FREE demo of iRadTech
- iRadTech Lite
- Contains only 6 positions, but otherwise the same as the full app
- Available as an app for iPhone, iPad, Android phone and Android tablet
iRadTech Mobile Web
- Radiographic positioning guide
- Describes more than 200 positions with accompanying patient positioning images and radiographs
- Delivered to the browser on your phone, tablet or PC
- Platform independent!
- Annual subscription of $9.99 per year
(tap image to see more screens)

iRadTech HD iPad
- Radiographic positioning guide
- Describes more than 200 positions with accompanying patient positioning images and radiographs
- Designed for iPad – Menu, Instructions & Notes panels appear simultaneously
- Download for free to check it out!
- Pay $24.99 to “unlock” the positions if you like it.
(This runs on Apple iPads only)
iRadTech ESP – Espãnol
- Guía de procedimiento para los tecnólogos radiológicos
- Describe más de 190 posiciones con radiografías acompañan
- Disponible para iPhone, iPad, teléfonos Android y tabletas Android
- Tienes $9.99 – todas las futuras actualizaciones son gratis!
** Nota: Las aplicaciones de Android no se transfieren a iOS y las aplicaciones de iOS no se transfieren a Android.
iRadTech Chiro
- Radiographic positioning guide for chiropractic professionals
- Describes over 100 positions with accompanying patient positioning images and radiographs
- Available as an app for iPhone, iPad, Android phone and Android tablet
- Own for $15.99 – all future updates are free
(tap image to see more screens)

FREE demo of iRadTech Chiro!
- iRadTech Chiro Lite
- Describes 6 positions
- Available as an app for Android phone, Android tablet, iPhone and iPad.
** Note: All apps, by any provider, are operating system dependent. Android apps do not transfer to iOS, and iOS apps do not transfer to Android.
- Trauma Radiography
- Authentic x-ray images of serious trauma or unusual surgical procedures
- Links to medical terms
- FREE app for iPhone and iPad, Android phone and tablet
(tap image to see more screens)

iRadTech PC Workstation
- Procedure guide for Radiologic Technologists
- Describes more than 200 positions with accompanying patient positioning images and radiographs
- Available for Windows
Available for institutions only.
Please email to inquire.